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Hello there! This month makes us very excited because it's month after month of celebration! Work hard and play hard. And we wish you a happy Merry Christmas and even happier Happy New Year!

18/12/2024: The end of the article is updated with details of our other coloring style for your CNY hair reference, do scroll to the bottom to check that out!

Following the tradition from previous years, this final promotion for Dec 2024 will be very special as this will not just be for one single month.

This promotion will last all the way until CNY 2025, which means, Dec 2024, Jan 2025, all the way until 27/1 (last operating day before CNY 2025).

If you’re planning for your CNY hair, this is the place to look! Not just one but 4 different coloring promotions at once.

We’ll dive straight into the promotion and I’ll link up the respective links, should you want to read more to find out more about the individual styles.

The 4 services of the month below will be for December 2024, and also January 2025, all the way until we close for CNY on 27/01/2025. But do also take note that our CNY surcharge will begin on 18/1 to 27/1 at $15 for chemical services, and $5 for haircut only (including olaplex mini treatment).

There is also a change in our operating hours but we’ll talk more about the CNY details at the end of the article. Let's dive in on the promo first.

These are the 4 services of the month -

  1. Color + Highlights

  2. Japan Smoky Color without bleach

  3. Balayage without bleach

  4. Yinyang 2-tone color without bleach

They are all at $138 each, for all hair lengths

The 4 services of the month above will all be inclusive of scalp protector* and haircut. One gentle reminder for our VIP members is service of the month will not be entitled to further VIP discount.

The Scalp Protector is a scalp protection serum that is applied to the hair before any technical service, for greater scalp comfort. It's like protection against the chemicals from the coloring, with active soothing active ingredients like Chamomile extract, and fre

Let’s do a breakdown of each individual service to showcase more photos and to recap what the service is about.

Color + Highlights

There are many different styles of highlights that you can consider. The first thing is the highlights stripes, it can be thin like babylights, or thick, or many stripes, or lesser and subtle stripes. Here are some examples -

Do you see the difference in the thickness of the highlighted stripes? Depending on the look that you're going for, we can make it more prominent and conspicuous or have it blend and keep it subtle.

We can do other kinds of highlights too, either by coloring or lightening if you prefer non-bleach highlights. One of our previous promotions was highlights in 7 different colors, here are the 7 japanese highlights photos below. If you want to read more on the Japanese highlights, click here.

Japan Smoky Color without bleach

By far, this is our most popular coloring style which I believe is due to it not having to bleach the hair and yet it is able to achieve special colors like ash purple. This is done with a lifting, to lift the hair to a light brown, and thereafter, the color application.

Lifting is a less damaging process compared to bleaching, a healthier alternative but the tradeoff is the outcome is darker. This is like a smoky, darker version of the original intended color. To read about the entire procedure of this and the entire color choices, click here.

Balayage without bleach

The traditional balayage is a coloring style where the lower half of the hair is bleached and colored. With knowledge from our japan smoky color series, we can now do lifting on the lower 60% length of the hair and do a smoky balayage, for example, a smoky rose brown. Instead of the full length smoky color, you have a healthier alternative to the classic balayage, a non-bleach balayage. More info on the balayage without bleach here.

Yinyang 2-tone color without bleach

This would be the most straightforward coloring style, similar to an underlight, this would be the normal version of an underlight for 2 layers of coloring without bleaching. This means, you can do colors like a darker brown on the outside, lighter brown on the inside, or dark purple on the outside, and dark red on the inside. To read up more on this coloring style over here.

Other Customization

Other than the usual coloring, there are also other ways to customize the coloring further, such as a Money Piece where the streaks on the front is colored, or just the sides on the earloop, the left and right only.

That’s about it! Let’s dive in more on our CNY plan so that you can start to plan the date for your CNY hair. In short, our prices and services of the month will remain the same all the way until we close for CNY, our last operating day before CNY would be on 27/1/2025. In addition, our operating duration will also change to 10am to 10pm from 4/1 to 27/1, we will extend our operating hours to serve more clients. ❤️

Just in case you're wondering, after that we will close from 28/1 and will reopen on 6/2

For the 2025 CNY surcharge, it will begin on 18/1/25 to 27/1/25. There is also no surcharge for Christmas or New Year's Eve, the surcharge will only begin on 18/1.

The CNY surcharge will be at $15 for chemical services, which means anything that is chemical-based like rebonding, perming, coloring, keratin treatment, premium treatments, etc.

And for haircut (including olaplex mini treatment), the surcharge will be $5. If you’re doing a chemical service + haircut, the surcharge will remain at $15 instead of $15 + $5.

The four $138 services above are our services of the month that has been discounted, next, we'll introduce our other services

Normal Color @ $68

This is our primary coloring service that has double functions. It would be for 1 single full-length color without bleaching or color lifting, just one single color on the entire hair. The usual questions I get are if my hair has been bleached twice before, can I do an ash purple directly at $68 without bleaching it again?


Yes, you can, if your hair is light enough to do the desired shade of ash purple, or if it is not light enough, we can discuss further to find a slightly darker shade of ash purple.


On the other hand, what if the hair is black? In this case, the choices would be normal colors such as the different shades of brown, chocolate brown, dark brown, normal brown, or colors like different shades of copper or dark red. Remember, the lighter your hair is the more color choices that you will have.


We also have our signature service - Color + Stem Cell Treatment at $138. Stem Cell Treatment is our premium repair treatment that contains argan stem cell and various hair vitamins, there is a section on the Stem Cell Treatment below near the end.


Dark Purple/Green w/o Bleaching @ $78

This would be similar to the normal color above but just that this would be for Dark Purple (Wine color) and Dark Green. Why the extra cost is because, for this, we’re using a color booster that has a stronger pigment to ensure the hair is able to absorb these 2 special colors without having to bleach the hair or lift it. 

We usually get quite a lot of requests for the Dark Purple as it is really a very special color, a very beautiful and subtle dark violet red. Just like red wine, it’s not red, it’s not black either, it’s just a special type of subtle color on its own. A low-key version of flamboyant.


Ombre Butterfly @ $198

For ladies who prefer a creative twist to the normal highlights, this is the creative twist that combines both color + highlights and yinyang 2-tone color. The inner color will be a color without bleaching. You get to choose what kind of combination that you want. The classic combination would be a normal brown with highlights and light brown underneath.


Or if you want a more creative color like blue or purple, we do offer bleaching on the inner layer at $50. If you have slightly wavy hair, you might want to try this, your relatives will be busy looking at your hair instead of asking those unnecessary questions about your private life. Hahaha.


Balayage @ $168

A french hand painted coloring technique, it’s like an art piece, using freehand to create these smooth gradient effect that transits the base color softly from dark to light.

The bleaching and coloring will be done mainly on the lower 60% length, however, the lighter the color, the more bleaching it requires.


Ombre @ $118

There are a few definitions of Ombre as different salons might have different interpretations of this coloring style. For us, unlike the Balayage at least 60% length bleaching with a gradient effect, this would be a straightforward 50% length bleaching and 1-tone color on the lower half. 

There is also the Ombre Underlight where a creative color is done on the inner layer of the hair.

In comparison to Ombre, many opted to do Balayage because of the harsh line in between but I have also seen many who prefers an obvious separation of colors. You might ask, which one is nicer? My opinion is that both are equally good, it depends on your personal style and preference. As long as you feel confident with your hair, even if it’s just a normal brown, the overall feel will exude confidence and beauty.


Ombre Waterfall @ $228

Among all our coloring styles, this is one of my personal favourite. We took the concept of a waterfall and modify this from the traditional Ombre style. The hair is only bleached at the bottom 20 to 30% and with a couple of related colors including the base color, it resembles a waterfall gushing down. Very creative!


This will slightly be on the high end as it includes the base color, the bleaching on the lower 30% and up to 2 colors on the lower bleached area. In addition, Olaplex or Bond rebuilder collagen treatment will be added into the bleaching solution. If you don’t want to damage your hair too much, pick this as the bleaching will only be on the lower ends, and olaplex/bond rebuilder is included so the hair will not be as damaged.


Full length Creative Color @ $200/$250/$300

This would be quite straightforward, full length bleaching and 1 tone full length color. This is more fun as you can have a full head of neon pink or a light ash purple. If you’re afraid that the color might fade too fast, don’t worry, we have many different pigment masks for you to use at home. The pigment mask refreshes the color every time you use it. Ask us about it, we’re all here to help you! :)

The price difference is for different rounds of bleaching, $200 for one round of bleaching + 1 color, $250 for two rounds of bleaching + 1 color and $300 for three rounds (or more) of bleaching and 1 color.


Other hair services 

4-Step Keratin Straightening Treatment @ $138/$228

The Keratin Treatment would be at $138 on mon/fri and $228 on other days (inclusive of Plex treatment.


Although this is labeled as a straightening treatment, the main function of such keratin treatment is to provide smoothing and reduce frizz. This is mostly use for taming the unmanageable hair too as it straightens it naturally. The hair will feel a lot smoother. If you frequently do rebonding to straighten your hair and would like to try the keratin treatment, do talk to us first before deciding.


Rebonding @ $138

This will be quite straightforward. Rebonding is a hair straightening service where the hair bonds are broken to be altered and re-bond into the straight hair structure. Because the hair bonds would be broken, it is not suitable for bleached hair as it might not be strong enough to endure this process. Bleached hair has a different hair structure compared to normal non-bleached hair.


You can choose between normal rebonding or soft rebonding. The difference is that soft rebonding will give a softer effect using chemicals of a lesser strength coupled with some straightening technique with the flat iron.


Keramimic Treatment @ $138

One of our most popular treatments, I believe we have done thousands of Keramimic Treatment for the past few years. Most of our regulars will be very familiar with this treatment, the great hair softening treatment.

In comparison to the keratin treatment. it is slightly similar but it’s not a keratin treatment. Keratin treatment has a stronger smoothing and straightening effect, the keramimic treatment, as a protein restructuring treatment, is more focused on the softening, moisturizing, an all-rounded service, but a lot lesser on the straightening effect.

If you are planning to do coloring, you can combine the coloring service with the keramimic treatment too. It helps the color to look softer in appearance too.

Stem Cell Treatment @ $108

When the bonds are broken, unless the cells are totally fried or dead, it is possible for it to heal by itself without any hair products. But it will take a really long time, maybe up to 6 months or a year with consistent conditioning and hair mask. There was a huge need to shorten this duration.

A decade ago, a major company patented a way to use chemicals to rebuild the broken hair bonds in the hair but there is also another technology that contains argan stem cells and various hair vitamins to trigger the stem cells in your hair to rebuild itself, that is the Stem Cell treatment.

For example, when you put a plaster on the wound and given time, the skin will heal by itself. This is how the Stem Cell Treatment works, promoting rebuilding and healing. The main ingredient is Argan Stem Cell, known for its regenerative and anti-aging properties, and also a couple of hair vitamins to boost the repair and moisturizing effect. And when it is coupled with coloring, it helps to balance out the damage from the chemicals.

Thank you for reading until here, here's a compilation of our services

Services of the month (Dec 24 to CNY 25)

1) Color + Highlights

2) Balayage without bleach

3) Japan Smoky Color without bleach

4) Yinyang 2-tone color without bleach

🎄Each of it will be at $138 (all lengths)

🎄Includes Scalp protector and haircut

Coloring services w/o bleaching

Normal color promotion @ $68

1-tone Dark Purple/Dark Green @ $78

Color + Highlights @ $138 (promo)

Yinyang 2-tone color @ $138 (promo)

Japan Smoky Color @ $138 (promo)

Ombre Butterfly @ $198

The above 6 are inclusive of haircut for all hair lengths

Other main services

1) Stem Cell Treatment + Color + Cut @ $138

2) Balayage @ $168 (unlimited 60% length bleaching)

3) Stem Cell Treatment @ $108

4) Keratin Treatment @ $138 (only on mon/fri) - free haircut

5) Keratin Treatment @ $228 (with Plex treatment) - free haircut

6) Rebonding(Soft/Normal) + Cut @ $138

7) Natural Ceramic Perming + Cut @ $188 (includes rebonding on top part)

8 ) Ombre Waterfall @ $228, Base color (w/o bleaching) + Ombre Waterfall (bottom bleaching) + Cut (Olaplex Or Bond Rebuilder Collagen Treatment included), the bleaching will only be at the lower 20 to 30%, very natural, like a waterfall

9) Rebonding (Soft/Normal) + Cut + Bond rebuilder collagen treatment + Hair spa treatment @ $198

10) Keramimic Treatment @ $138 - free haircut

11) Scalp Detox Treatment @ $88

12) Olaplex Full Treatment (No. 1 & 2) @ $88

13) Moisture Booster Treatment @ $88

To book an appointment, you can whatsapp us directly @ (whatsapp only) or call us at 6336 1476 (bugis cube).

And we have reached the end! Thank you for reading!

Merry Christmas, and also Happy New Year! Stay safe and healthy! :)

😍We're located at😍

Bugis Cube (opposite Bugis Junction, not Bugis plus)

470 North Bridge Road #04 - 04

Singapore 188735

Please call us at 6336 1476 for any further details


Hello there! Welcome back! I hope you have enjoyed this CNY holiday break, now it's time to share what is the promotion for February 2025. We'll be reopening on 6/2 after our CNY break.

To dive in straight to the promo, for the previous 4 main services of the month that we had for Dec 2024 to CNY 2025, seeing that it is just another 3 weeks more to March, we'll continue running this promo until 28/2.

These are the 4 services of the month -

  1. Color + Highlights

  2. Japan Smoky Color without bleach

  3. Balayage without bleach

  4. Yinyang 2-tone color without bleach

They are all at $138 each, for all hair lengths

The 4 services of the month above will all be inclusive of scalp protector* and haircut. One gentle reminder for our VIP members is service of the month will not be entitled to further VIP discount.

The Scalp Protector is a scalp protection serum that is applied to the hair before any technical service, for greater scalp comfort. It's like protection against the chemicals from the coloring, with active soothing active ingredients like Chamomile extract.

Let’s do a breakdown of each individual service to showcase more photos and to recap what the service is about.

Color + Highlights

There are many different styles of highlights that you can consider. The first thing is the highlights stripes, it can be thin like babylights, or thick, or many stripes, or lesser and subtle stripes. Here are some examples -

Do you see the difference in the thickness of the highlighted stripes? Depending on the look that you're going for, we can make it more prominent and conspicuous or have it blend and keep it subtle.

We can do other kinds of highlights too, either by coloring or lightening if you prefer non-bleach highlights. One of our previous promotions was highlights in 7 different colors, here are the 7 japanese highlights photos below. If you want to read more on the Japanese highlights, click here.

Japan Smoky Color without bleach

By far, this is our most popular coloring style which I believe is due to it not having to bleach the hair and yet it is able to achieve special colors like ash purple. This is done with a lifting, to lift the hair to a light brown, and thereafter, the color application.

Lifting is a less damaging process compared to bleaching, a healthier alternative but the tradeoff is the outcome is darker. This is like a smoky, darker version of the original intended color. To read about the entire procedure of this and the entire color choices, click here.

Balayage without bleach

The traditional balayage is a coloring style where the lower half of the hair is bleached and colored. With knowledge from our japan smoky color series, we can now do lifting on the lower 60% length of the hair and do a smoky balayage, for example, a smoky rose brown. Instead of the full length smoky color, you have a healthier alternative to the classic balayage, a non-bleach balayage. More info on the balayage without bleach here.

Yinyang 2-tone color without bleach

This would be the most straightforward coloring style, similar to an underlight, this would be the normal version of an underlight for 2 layers of coloring without bleaching. This means, you can do colors like a darker brown on the outside, lighter brown on the inside, or dark purple on the outside, and dark red on the inside. To read up more on this coloring style over here.

Other Customization

Other than the usual coloring, there are also other ways to customize the coloring further, such as a Money Piece where the streaks on the front is colored, or just the sides on the earloop, the left and right only.

The difference between this extended promo and the previous Dec-CNY promo is that there will be no CNY surcharge this month so you can enjoy the services as it is without any surcharge.

We'll resume our normal operating hours too, will be open at 11am to 9pm on weekdays, 10am to 7pm on saturdays and 11am to 7pm on sundays.

The four $138 services above are our services of the month that has been discounted, next, we'll introduce our other services

Normal Color @ $68

This is our primary coloring service that has double functions. It would be for 1 single full-length color without bleaching or color lifting, just one single color on the entire hair. The usual questions I get are if my hair has been bleached twice before, can I do an ash purple directly at $68 without bleaching it again?


Yes, you can, if your hair is light enough to do the desired shade of ash purple, or if it is not light enough, we can discuss further to find a slightly darker shade of ash purple.


On the other hand, what if the hair is black? In this case, the choices would be normal colors such as the different shades of brown, chocolate brown, dark brown, normal brown, or colors like different shades of copper or dark red. Remember, the lighter your hair is the more color choices that you will have.


We also have our signature service - Color + Stem Cell Treatment at $138. Stem Cell Treatment is our premium repair treatment that contains argan stem cell and various hair vitamins, there is a section on the Stem Cell Treatment below near the end.


Dark Purple/Green w/o Bleaching @ $78

This would be similar to the normal color above but just that this would be for Dark Purple (Wine color) and Dark Green. Why the extra cost is because, for this, we’re using a color booster that has a stronger pigment to ensure the hair is able to absorb these 2 special colors without having to bleach the hair or lift it. 

We usually get quite a lot of requests for the Dark Purple as it is really a very special color, a very beautiful and subtle dark violet red. Just like red wine, it’s not red, it’s not black either, it’s just a special type of subtle color on its own. A low-key version of flamboyant.


Ombre Butterfly @ $198

For ladies who prefer a creative twist to the normal highlights, this is the creative twist that combines both color + highlights and yinyang 2-tone color. The inner color will be a color without bleaching. You get to choose what kind of combination that you want. The classic combination would be a normal brown with highlights and light brown underneath.


Or if you want a more creative color like blue or purple, we do offer bleaching on the inner layer at $50. If you have slightly wavy hair, you might want to try this, your relatives will be busy looking at your hair instead of asking those unnecessary questions about your private life. Hahaha.


Balayage @ $168

A french hand painted coloring technique, it’s like an art piece, using freehand to create these smooth gradient effect that transits the base color softly from dark to light.

The bleaching and coloring will be done mainly on the lower 60% length, however, the lighter the color, the more bleaching it requires.


Ombre @ $118

There are a few definitions of Ombre as different salons might have different interpretations of this coloring style. For us, unlike the Balayage at least 60% length bleaching with a gradient effect, this would be a straightforward 50% length bleaching and 1-tone color on the lower half. 

There is also the Ombre Underlight where a creative color is done on the inner layer of the hair.

In comparison to Ombre, many opted to do Balayage because of the harsh line in between but I have also seen many who prefers an obvious separation of colors. You might ask, which one is nicer? My opinion is that both are equally good, it depends on your personal style and preference. As long as you feel confident with your hair, even if it’s just a normal brown, the overall feel will exude confidence and beauty.


Ombre Waterfall @ $228

Among all our coloring styles, this is one of my personal favourite. We took the concept of a waterfall and modify this from the traditional Ombre style. The hair is only bleached at the bottom 20 to 30% and with a couple of related colors including the base color, it resembles a waterfall gushing down. Very creative!


This will slightly be on the high end as it includes the base color, the bleaching on the lower 30% and up to 2 colors on the lower bleached area. In addition, Olaplex or Bond rebuilder collagen treatment will be added into the bleaching solution. If you don’t want to damage your hair too much, pick this as the bleaching will only be on the lower ends, and olaplex/bond rebuilder is included so the hair will not be as damaged.


Full length Creative Color @ $200/$250/$300

This would be quite straightforward, full length bleaching and 1 tone full length color. This is more fun as you can have a full head of neon pink or a light ash purple. If you’re afraid that the color might fade too fast, don’t worry, we have many different pigment masks for you to use at home. The pigment mask refreshes the color every time you use it. Ask us about it, we’re all here to help you! :)

The price difference is for different rounds of bleaching, $200 for one round of bleaching + 1 color, $250 for two rounds of bleaching + 1 color and $300 for three rounds (or more) of bleaching and 1 color.


Other hair services 

4-Step Keratin Straightening Treatment @ $138/$228

The Keratin Treatment would be at $138 on mon/fri and $228 on other days (inclusive of Plex treatment.


Although this is labeled as a straightening treatment, the main function of such keratin treatment is to provide smoothing and reduce frizz. This is mostly use for taming the unmanageable hair too as it straightens it naturally. The hair will feel a lot smoother. If you frequently do rebonding to straighten your hair and would like to try the keratin treatment, do talk to us first before deciding.


Rebonding @ $138

This will be quite straightforward. Rebonding is a hair straightening service where the hair bonds are broken to be altered and re-bond into the straight hair structure. Because the hair bonds would be broken, it is not suitable for bleached hair as it might not be strong enough to endure this process. Bleached hair has a different hair structure compared to normal non-bleached hair.


You can choose between normal rebonding or soft rebonding. The difference is that soft rebonding will give a softer effect using chemicals of a lesser strength coupled with some straightening technique with the flat iron.


Keramimic Treatment @ $138

One of our most popular treatments, I believe we have done thousands of Keramimic Treatment for the past few years. Most of our regulars will be very familiar with this treatment, the great hair softening treatment.

In comparison to the keratin treatment. it is slightly similar but it’s not a keratin treatment. Keratin treatment has a stronger smoothing and straightening effect, the keramimic treatment, as a protein restructuring treatment, is more focused on the softening, moisturizing, an all-rounded service, but a lot lesser on the straightening effect.

If you are planning to do coloring, you can combine the coloring service with the keramimic treatment too. It helps the color to look softer in appearance too.

Stem Cell Treatment @ $108

When the bonds are broken, unless the cells are totally fried or dead, it is possible for it to heal by itself without any hair products. But it will take a really long time, maybe up to 6 months or a year with consistent conditioning and hair mask. There was a huge need to shorten this duration.

A decade ago, a major company patented a way to use chemicals to rebuild the broken hair bonds in the hair but there is also another technology that contains argan stem cells and various hair vitamins to trigger the stem cells in your hair to rebuild itself, that is the Stem Cell treatment.

For example, when you put a plaster on the wound and given time, the skin will heal by itself. This is how the Stem Cell Treatment works, promoting rebuilding and healing. The main ingredient is Argan Stem Cell, known for its regenerative and anti-aging properties, and also a couple of hair vitamins to boost the repair and moisturizing effect. And when it is coupled with coloring, it helps to balance out the damage from the chemicals.

To book an appointment, you can whatsapp us directly @ (whatsapp only) or call us at 6336 1476 (bugis cube). We'll reopen on 6/2.

And we have reached the end! Thank you for reading!

Happy CNY! Stay safe and healthy! :)

😍We're located at😍

Bugis Cube (opposite Bugis Junction, not Bugis plus)

470 North Bridge Road #04 - 04

Singapore 188735

Please call us at 6336 1476 for any further details


Hello there! This will be a very special month as we're bringing back our Keramimic Treatment, one of our most popular treatments, as the service of the month, and what's even more special about this is, there is coloring included too.

This article will talk about our service of the month for November and we'll discuss on both the Keramimic Treatment and the coloring, starting with what this month's promo is before we talk individually on the keramimic treatment and color with photos -

Service of the month (Nov 2024)

Keramimic Treatment + 1-tone Color without bleaching @ $158

Includes haircut, for all hair lengths

Colors in the range of dark purple/green, copper, brown, copper, blueblack

In short, this is a bundled service of one of our most popular treatments with 1-tone color without bleaching. By 1 color without bleaching, this is an open-for-all concept, it means you can do a full length color or you can also choose to refresh your previous faded color, for example, faded balayage or faded underlight.

Or if you had highlights, you can also do a full length color so the highlighted part will be of a lighter color, such as dark red with lighter red highlights, or dark brown with lighter brown highlights. More details below on the coloring section.

Now that we have covered on the service of the month, let's talk about what the 2 services, starting with the Keramimic Treatment.

Our regulars might be familiar with this treatment but for ladies who are new to this, the Keramimic Treatment is a keratin + collagen-based treatment that will have a tremendous effect on the hair. The name is very interesting too, it is made up of 2 different words - Keratin + Mimic, keramimic. This means, it is imitative of the element - keratin. An important thing to note is that although it has similar ingredients, this is not a keratin treatment.

Without going too in-depth on hair science, 90% of our hair is made up of keratin, and it is an essential protein to protect the hair from damage. And collagen is a type of structural protein that the body needs to produce keratin.

Once again, what is our hair mostly made up of? Keratin. And what does this treatment provide? Keratin + Collagen, exactly what the hair needs.

Let’s go through a visual representation of a damaged hair that undergoes the treatment -

For this lady, she had her hair bleached entirely a couple of rounds in the past, this is actually a very beautiful light blonde but we can also see that the hair is quite lifeless, frizzy, and a little unmanageable. The hair will feel very rough too.

A healthy hair is full of keratin and collagen so the strand appears fuller, healthier, and docile. By docile, it means there are little flyaway strands and it has sufficient weight to keep the hair down without flying around.

When the hair is bleached, layers of the hair might be stripped away by the bleaching so sometimes the hair appears thinner. It’s similar to our human body, when we have a bit of muscle, we look healthier and stronger, and the same goes for the hair too.

This means, conversely, without sufficient keratin in the hair, the typical outcome will be like this, lifeless, frizzy, and unmanageable.

And after the keramimic treatment, this is what it looks like

The entire hair looks like it has hit the refresh F5 button on the keyboard, it looks entirely different. Haha.

Previously, the 3 issues are lifeless, frizzy, and unmanageable, it is not lifeless anymore as we can see the strands have gotten slightly thicker. This is because a lot of keratin + collagen has been applied and locked in each hair strand itself.

To add further, when the strand has sufficient keratin to fix all the damaged parts, it will be visibly fuller by itself, and with it being slightly heavier (extra keratin), the frizz and unmanageable issues are reduced by a lot. This is what healthy hair should look like.

Function of the treatment

As a lot of keratin + collagen will be applied and locked in the hair, this helps to reduce frizz, soften the hair by a lot, increase the manageability and vitality of the hair. If you want softer, well-managed, lesser frizz, visibly healthier hair, this is it. When the hair loses its keratin and is damaged, the most effective solution will be to replenish the keratin back in the hair. You give the hair what it needs. A very simple and effective answer to haircare.

Short FAQ

1. Is this like the keratin treatment? It is slightly similar but it’s not a keratin treatment. Keratin treatment has a stronger smoothing and straightening effect, the keramimic treatment is more focused on the softening, moisturizing, an all-rounded service, but lesser on the straightening effect.

2. So will it straighten the hair? It will, but not for long. The straightening effect is not strong.

Next, we'll be talking about the coloring.

This will be a 1-tone color without bleaching, which means, just one color without highlights and bleaching. The coloring choices we're offering are in shades of Dark Purple, Dark Green, Red, Copper, Brown, and Blueblack. Usually, most of the colors will fall within this range.

In the brown category, there are different shades of brown, such as chocolate brown, reddish brown, or even ash brown (if the hair is light enough). For purple, there is dark purple, or even ash purple (again, if the hair is light enough). If you are not sure if the color that you want falls in the category that we are offering, feel free to drop us a whatsapp message.

Here are some examples of 1-tone color without bleaching, starting with the dark purple and dark green -

Now, here's a 1-tone Reddish Brown with the Keramimic Treatment, look at the smooth healthy strand~ 😍

And a 1-tone Green and Dark Red, also with the Keramimic Treatment -

But what if your hair has been lightened or bleached before and you're looking to refresh the color? This is open for all so as long as it is a 1-tone color on full length or partial length, we can do that.

Whether it's an underlight or balayage, let's do a 1-tone to refresh it, here are some examples -

That’s about it for the treatment. I hope you enjoy the treatment as much as our customers do. To book an appt, you can call our hair studio at 6336 1476 (bugis cube), whatsapp us directly @ (whatsapp only). Stay safe and healthy! :)

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